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Date: Apr 16, 2009

This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard [roarnworship@cfl.rr.com]


                Pursue Love Among The Brethren
                 (Our Greatest Weapon of War)
In order for us to receive true discernment in this day and time when 
the enemy is coming in as a flood, we must check our hearts to see 
if the following pertains to us in any way.
There's a rampage of demonic powers loosed upon the body of Christ, 
and they are spewing out venom, constantly stirring up division and 
confusion, even to the point of bombarding their minds so that they 
can't receive clear vision, guidance and discernment from the Lord so 
that he can take over.
Unite together the troops, and turn against the enemy using love as a 
mighty weapon of war. This is the only way we are going to be able to 
receive the much needed revelation from the Lord to be able to turn 
on the enemy and tear down his strongholds.
His strategy is for us to become critical of one another and not walk 
in love--for the enemy is the accuser of the brethren so what you're 
receiving from him through his tactics is deception!
Unite together and pursue love and holiness then the necessary 
revelation needed in these time will be received. Repent if fallen into 
this in any way this tactic of the enemy to divide, confuse, bombard, 
and blind the body so that he can take over!
Repent and cover yourself with God's armor and use the sword of the 
Spirit, and use it against the enemy and not each other! Press in on 
him by using God's love, His unconditional love! Don't find fault nor 
be critical, for love covers a multitude of sin.
If we put love, putting first His kingdom and righteousness, all that 
we need, discernment, wisdom, understanding, and revelation will be 
added unto us!  We are the body of Christ and if we do our part, the 
Lord will come in as a mighty man of war and sweep out the enemy.
Yes, He will divide the wheat from the tares, the truth from deception, 
the genuine from the counterfeit.  All we need to do is obey His 
greatest command to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and 
strength, and love our neighbor, each other in His body, as we love 
If we aren't willing to obey His command to love others, then we are 
choosing not to love ourselves, therefore, we can't love others. His 
ways are so much higher than ours, so pursue God and be a vessel of 
love to tear down the enemy!