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Date: Apr 16, 2003

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


                           The Sink Hole
The Lord gave me a vision that my family and I were in our house and the 
house was over a sink hole. We could see the house slipping into this huge 
mud hole. I could even see the house as the floors cracked and we had to 
watch where we walked as we tried to salvage what we could before it all 
went under. I was grabbing things and discarding a lot, looking for the 
really important things to take. I knew I couldn't take much and I was 
letting go of a lot of things that I have hung on to for years. Personal 
possessions that had meant so much, were now just clutter to sift through 
to get to the important things to save. At one point, my husband fell into 
the mud and it totally covered him until he was out of sight. I reached my 
hand down into the gooey mud and grabbed his hand and pulled him out. 

The Lord has shown me that even if our life, our ministry, seems to be 
floundering and going under, just salvage what you can and go on. He is 
bringing about a change in the way we serve, the way we think, the way we 
act and He wants us to let go of things, trappings, that are tied to the old 
ways. He is moving us from unsure, uneven ground to solid ground. Even if 
you have sunk down in the mud until it completely covers your head, God will 
reach down and pull you out. Don't lose faith. For the Father who called us 
all to serve is faithful and true.