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Date: Apr 14, 2009

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire [CMondesire@aol.com]


                My Army

Sound the alarm, forecast a warning,
for sound of metal is the enemy preparing to attack.
Man your battle stations.
Go into your bunkers-fast and pray.
Do not be afraid of the sounds of war;
I have given you the victory.
You will triumph over your enemy.

You will win every battle if you seek Me for the battle plans.
You must stay close to Me at this hour.
Align yourself with prayer warriors-iron sharpens iron.
This battle will be won on your knees.

Endure hardness as a good soldier;
Don't fear the sounds of the enemies weapons.
Be still and know that I am God, that I have all power,
That I am almighty in every situation, in every circumstance,
And I have spoken the victory is yours this day.

Hear the sound of marching feet--My army is on the move.
It is taking back every that has been stolen.
Do not be afraid--the victory belongs to you.

This is a time of prayer to do warfare in the heavenly realms.
Be bold as you speak My word against the enemy's devices,
for the weapons of this warfare are not carnal, 
but mighty through to the pulling down of strongholds.
Take back old territory and take possession of new land.
I am calling you out of the fire.
The battle has been one you have the victory.

Fast and pray to rekindle My Spirit that is in you.
As you seek My face, you will see the change in your countenance.
In My presence there is joy, healing wholeness and prosperity.
Remember the gold and silver is Mine,
and so is the cattle on a thousand hills.