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Date: April 13, 2007

This word is submitted by Judy Rohde [jmr2frog@gmail.com]


                         Rowboat Vision

    I see a choppy lake, laced with small whitecaps, and an old,
    rugged, beat-up rowboat, looking like it is ready to sink. One
    person in the boat is trying to paddle but is only going in
    circles, round and round.  I can hear the song: "Row, row, row
    your boat...." Then the Lord said:

"Lean not on your own understanding; My ways are higher. Acknowledge Me
and I shall direct your path.

Stop striving to get somewhere. Your hard work, spiritual labor,
intercessory prayer and travailing in the Spirit has not gone unheard
or unnoticed. The ministry of doing 'the works of men' is finished! An
earnest, sincere, strong ministry from prayer is about to be birthed
and released. This is true both for personal and church ministry, and
it is totally dependent upon the wind of My Spirit. Yes, warfare will
abound for both personal and church ministry. The enemy hates this kind
of ministry--one led by My Spirit.

When ministry is led only by My Spirit, many will be called into the
stream of My truth: The lost, the back-slider--even God-haters--will come
to recognize and confess Me.

Remain focused on Me: without My direction and guidance, you will go
adrift, aimless and without power. Such is not a ministry of My hand.
Unless I am your head and read guard, the enemy will devour you. Seek
My approval, My attention, My face--not that of men.

This boat of ministry awaits the arrival of its shipmates--a team put
together by My hand--obedient, honorable, and full of awe. I want to
launch this boat; I am setting in motion fresh beginnings and new
opportunities to take this ministry beyond the greatest of heights
ever known by man. I want this ministry to reach a brand new level, a
mint-condition level led by My Spirit.

Dwell on Me only--not on yourself, on others or on circumstances. Check
your emotions at the dock, keeping yourself humble, modest, gentle,
loving and even-tempered. Let nothing disturb the peace, tranquility,
joy and contentment that you have in Me. You must let your flesh die,
let your ego die, and leave behind former ideas, strategies and
attitudes. Do not compromise your ministry boat, and do not try to row
or paddle this boat by your own flesh or pride. Keep paddling by My hand.

I will propel you forward, so release your control, release your hand,
so that My hand may move on your behalf. I will steer your way, I will
row you to the river of an overflowing and powerful ministry. The force,
speed and power of this ministry must be Me; for without Me, you will be
at the mercy of others and the enemy. Listen for My voice and surrender
to My headship. The changing wind of My Spirit will help sail this
ministry to new heights.

Let the clarity of My truth and the transparency of My heart prevail.
My understanding, kindness, compassion, and wisdom go beyond all human
understanding. When storms come, let My truth, integrity, faithfulness,
and long-suffering keep your head above water so that you may see the
"highest water mark" (target or goal).

Always remember that I am the captain and I am the port authority of this
ministry. Come and assume your calling, but hand over the responsibility
of perfect boating to Me--I will guide you through difficult channels
and obstacles. I will keep the boat upright, even-keeled, steady, stable,
secure, and sturdy.

Row straight and with strength; row boldly with My Word; row with My
Spirit; row with My power. Row gently down My stream, row merrily with My
heart and My hand. Row, row, row your boat, by the gentle leading of My
Spirit, trusting that I will steer you into new territories and places of
victory. Row under My command and know that you will arrive safely at
your destiny."