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This word is submitted by Dawn Braun (honeydoo@saa.net)



I want to move you into a deeper realm of the spirit. Into a deeper wave of praise and worship. I want to use you more in this area. There are times that you have held back because of things that people have said to you, but don't listen to their voices, listen to mine.

Abide in me and I will abide in you. Let the spirit lead you not your head. Listen and continue to listen to my voice and heed my spirit for I long to lead you into a deeper place, a deeper walk with me. I will lead you into deeper waters where the streams are endless. Some have just begun to come into that stream. Some have just tiptoed into that well but I want them to come running and ready to jump into that place, that well of praise and worship where all can be partakers of it's freedom. It is a well of freedom, a deeper walk, a deeper call.

A deeper well of anointing is about to come upon you and over take you and cause a new level of flowing of the spirit upon you, says the Lord.

Dawn Braun