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Date: Apr 8, 2009

This word is submitted by Sofia Kauko-Valli [sofia.kauko-valli@econ.jyu.fi]


                        Fresh Bread

My beloved. Do not feel condemned by those who prefer their bread old 
and stale, and who criticize you for wanting fresh bread.

Do not be discouraged in your search, for I have put this desire in 
your hearts. Desire for freshness. Desire for taste. 

See I have fresh bread for you each and every day. It is taken right
from Heaven; hot, filling the air with wonderful aromas, extremely 
tasty and rich in nutrients. It is for you, My children. If is fresh 
each day, as you come and spend time with Me. Take and eat.

  [Admin Note: This word is what is called an allegory type of word,
                where it is meant to be taken figeratively rather
                than interpreted literally. In this case, God is not
                really talking what type of physical bread we eat.
                The bread represents a person's spiritual substance
                and nurishment, or how they relate to God.

                Old bread is those who prefer the old-style or "status
                quo" type of relationship with God that is rather
                distant and is based primarily on us trying to please
                Him through our conduct and seeing Him as distant and
                almost unapproachable.  The new bread is a deep and
                intimate relationship with God, deeply personal and
                alive. It is what Jesus referred to as "worshipping God
                in Spirit and in truth" in John 4.

                In this word, God is saying that He refers a deep
                intimate personal relationship with us, over one that
                is rules-based, formal and distant.  And He is inviting
                us to press in for a deeper personal relationship with
                Him. He wants to meet us personally as we press in to get
                to know Him better.]