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Date: April 7, 2005

This word is submitted by Armando Morales (ib4gzus@academicplanet.com)


                        Sacrifice And Trust

When you sacrifice for My sake, know that you can place your complete 
trust in Me.  Have I not said that I will sustain you?  Have I not said 
that My grace is sufficient for you?  Listen to the sound of My voice 
and respond. 

I desire great things for you, My child. I desire to whisper things into 
your spirit which can only be achieved when your flesh is out of the way. 
Submit it under the obedience of My voice, to which I am calling you.
And watch Me unfold the rhema of My word in your life, that will bring 
rich sustenance like a river of living water.  Do not worry about how you 
will get to the place where I want you, for I extend My hand, ready to 
lead you through anything that may come your way.  The hour is now, My 
child; will you trust and depend on Me at this hour?