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Date: April 5, 2007

This word is submitted by Musa Opiyo [musaopiyo@yahoo.com]



For there is yet an appointed time when all things come together, when
situations and circumstances come to a head. I have come to you in this
season to bring those things that were scattered together again. There
are so many of My people whom I have allowed to be broken, but now I
say that I am bringing those pieces back together.

There are those who have said "I feel like a million pieces and I don't
know where to begin." In My wisdom, I have come to gather those many
pieces and rebuild and restore you according to My fashion. Restoration
is coming.

There are circumstances around you now that do not make sense, but
restoration is coming. I will bring things to a head, to a conclusion,
and what was unclear and obscure shall now make sense. For many of you
it has been a test of faith. You have not been able to see past the next
step, yet you have been faithful to believe that I would guide you, and
you faithfully took the next step, one after another. Now I will bring
restoration and you will learn how to rejoice and leap for joy even in
the midst of hard times.

I am bringing restoration to relationships. You have learned these past
few months that it is about timings and seasons, and that I cause those
who I intend to walk with you to come into alignment and walk the same
path as you walk. This has been a season where some that have walked
with you for a considerable amount of time have simply walked away or
changed course and you did not know why. Know that indeed I have chosen
even those who will journey with you, and there are some that I will
bring your way only for a season and then will walk away, and there
are also those that I have removed from your life only for a season
only to return at a later stage. But I am restoring relationships.
Where there was division I will once again bring unity.

Some of you have learned the valuable lesson that your destiny in Me
is not decided by relationships (friendships groups, or little cliques
that you belong to.) Though relationship is vital and necessary for
growth, You have come to know that only you are accountable for your
walk with Me; you have the choice of how much or how little I will
move and operate in and through your life. In times of separation, you
have learned to lean on Me and let Me be your source and strength, and
even when you were tired and weak, you did not allow the idea of
isolation stop you from being an encouragement to brothers and sisters
who were going through similar things.

You have done well and now I am restoring true fellowship and unity
amongst My children.

This season is coming to a close and conclusion. Let the past be the
past. Learn from the mistakes that have been made, yet do not revisit
them in a way that will cause your heart to condemn you, for there is
nothing too big or too broken that I cannot restore and make whole.

This is also a time of rejoicing because you are about to enter a season
of reclaiming and taking back all that Satan has stolen. I have promised
to restore and equip you with the necessary tools to war against his
forces that come against you to oppose you.