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Date: Mar 30, 2007

This word is submitted by Paula Kay [peakent@voicenet.com]


                      You Are A Voice of Triumph

You are a voice of triumph. Shout out with triumph! Sing battle songs
that set the pace for the mighty march I am preparing to send you forth.
The kingdom, My people, My angels, and My power are moving forward.

We are advancing. We are accelerating in this world. You are protected,
My loved ones. You are protected on every side. You are provided for in
your every need and desire. Your cup overflows to bless those who are
gathering to join the ranks.

With your voice, call them in. From the East, West, North and South,
call them in. Bless them with your overflow. Bless them with words of
comfort and words of jubilee. Call them to repentance and forgiveness of
sins. Call them to finally let go of all bitterness, hate, anguish. Tell
them that through the release of their pain, sorrow, suffering, there is
the 'other side'. All that which has kept distance between our hearts,
our spirits, our love--it is that space that must be conquered through
My finished work and through My Word. It is finished.

I command you today to lift up your voice and blow the trumpet.  You are
a voice of triumph.  Set the captives free. Shout out with triumph.