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Date: Mar 27, 2002

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                                Prayer Sheet

I had a vision of a sheet of paper that was full of clear and close writing,
from top to bottom.  There were various diagrams over the writing, and at 
fist it all looked a jumbled mess.  The diagrams were of a half circle going
one way, then breaking and going the other way.  There were arrows along the
course of the circle to show this.  There were also lines that went one way 
then reversed to go the other way, also with markers to show this.  As I 
tried to understand, a blank piece of paper gently fell and covered the 
written piece.  As I sought the Lord on this vision, this is what He moved 
in me.

There is a battle raging in the heavenlies.  In the spiritual world there is
a battle and the fight is being won, the enemy is defeated.  This is your 
prayer sheet.  These are your words to your Father, close and packed tight.
This is the ammunition.  Look close and see the work of your prayers.  The 
tactics of the enemy have been reversed, for I am the Lord your God and I 
will work all things to the good of those who love me, those who trust me, 
those who believe.

Do not be concerned when you cannot immediately see the results of your 
prayers.  The results take place in the Heavenlies.  The war rages in the 
Heavenlies, for it is not against flesh and blood that we fight.  Your 
ammunition works in the Heavenlies as you attack the enemy with my Living 
Word.  Did I not say my word is a sledgehammer?  Did I not say the enemy 
would flee?  My word will not come back empty.  My word will be fulfilled.

And when you come before me in prayer, Stand.  Stand because you are able 
to.  For I will strengthen weak knees and I will support and protect your 
back and I will make you more than able to stand.  I will not let you fall 
as you fight this fight, as you war this war, for I have called you to this.


What looks a mess to your human eyes is a plan of battle, and you are my 
warrior in prayer.  Give me the echo of your Spirit, for I have sent my Holy
Spirit to lead you in words of war.

Stand and be strong, for I am your strength, your running brook in dry times
and your shade from the heat.  There is victory taking place even now, with 
every prayer my warriors pray, there are changes, great changes.  Wait on 
me.  In my time you will see.  In my time you will know.  Trust me.  I am at
the head of this army.  I am here.  Always.  I am with you.

Continue the race.  Stay steadfast.  Set your face to me like flint.  You 
are anchored to me.  I will not let you fall.  Now you have had a glimpse.  
Soon you will see full victory of your perseverance.  Do not stop in what 
you are called to do.  Believe.  Believe in me.  I am not man that I would 
forsake you.  I am not man that I would lie to you.  I am He.  El Shaddai.