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Date: Mar 24, 2008

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                 I Will Exceed Your Expectations

Child of Mine, it is time to stop limiting Me in your thinking and in
your expectations. It is time to stop setting goals based on your
estimation of your own ability and resources. It is time to start
seeing what it is that I want to do, and then set your expectations

I am the God of all power and all might, and I can do all things. I am
able to do far more than you can think or imagine. And I am inviting
you to do amazing things with Me.

But at the same time, you must understand that I am not interested in
the agenda of man; I have My own agenda and it is very important to
Me. I am looking for those who are willing to set aside their own plans
and goals in order to embrace Mine, just as My Son did when He walked
this earth. My kingdom is advancing forcefully on this earth, and it
must continue to advance. Yes, dear one, I am looking for those who want
to advance it with Me. Are you one of these?

It is My desire that My own dear children work with Me to accomplish
My purposes. I am looking for those who say to Me, "Here I am Lord,
send me. Here I am Lord, use me." I am going to empower these ones to
advance My kingdom, and I am going to change their thinking to better
line up with Mine. I am going to show them what it means to walk in the
supernatural and to accomplish the impossible. I am going to teach them
what it means live in the realm of faith, and to see the mountains move
before them.

This is a season where I am removing all limitations off of My people;
I am opening their thinking to expect greater things. This is a time
and a season where I want to show My glory and My power and My great
love to all men, so that many who are lost might come to believe. 

I am looking for sons and daughters who are willing to embrace faith 
and do this with Me. I am looking for those who are willing to learn to
trust Me, to know My voice and to believe that I really mean the things
that I have said in My word. I am looking for those who will stop being
limited by the constraints of this world and who will start moving
according to the constraints of My will.

Dear one, learn to trust Me. Then watch and see how I will bring My
glory into your life. What need do you have that I cannot meet? What
obstacle is before you that is too hard for Me to overcome? There isn't
any such thing--for I am greater than all, and I can indeed do all
things through My own great power and might.

But despite all My power, My might and all My great strength, there 
Is still one that that limits Me. That thing is the faith and expectations
of My own people. They think too small and they limit what they are
willing to allow Me to accomplish through them. That must change,
because I have great plans. It is time for My people to put off their
the things that hold them back. It is time to for them to expand their
tent pegs and embrace a larger vision. It is time for them to walk in 

My people, I am able to exceed your expectations, if only you will
learn to put your trust in Me.