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Date: Mar 20, 2006

This word is submitted by Don Froess (dfroess@monarch.net)



Do you hear the sound of the thunder clapping, My children? I am preparing 
My army for war. This is now a time of preparation, where I am placing My 
soldiers in their proper ranks in which they will not jostle with one 
another, for each will know his or her place. I am not a man that I should 
lie, for when I say I am going to do something, I will do it! Did I not 
speak the world into existence and throw the stars into the heavens by My 
mighty hand?  But now hear this, My people who are called by My name. Listen 
to My thundering voice. Prepare for the great and terrible day of the Lord 
and arm yourselves for war! Stand at the gates and watch and see for 
yourselves the hand of the Lord work mighty wonders throughout the land.