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Date: Mar 20, 2002

This word is submitted by Deb Okereke (healingfire@shaw.ca)



"imPRESS - who do you want to impress? Is it Me? Is it man? You say that 
you want to be of no reputation, why then do you jockey for position in My
Kingdom, why do you insist on being paid your dues, why then do you crave
recognition, why do you clamor to be heard above the crowd? Why do you care
what men think of you?

"Are you looking for your reward on earth or in heaven? The insincere
flattery and praise of man cannot compare with the bliss that is yours when
you know you delight Me, when you have brought pleasure to My heart. And I
who see the hidden things, do long to daily add to your eternal rewards, but
some of you choose to have your rewards now.

"What impresses Me? Why it is the sacrifices of a broken spirit and a
contrite heart, it is those of My children who respond with instant
obedience to My voice. It is when I see servant hearts, seeking to serve 
for no honor or reward, when I see My precious ones choose the cloak of
humility. What impresses Me is to find those whose hearts are fully devoted
to Me. Are you one of those? The ones who have taken the time to KNOW ME
intimately, with those I am impressed. With those I show Myself strong. To
find those who count everything else worthless but knowing Me, to find those
who walk in mercy, who are clothed in compassion. 

"Man is impressed so easily. The outward trappings- wealth, status, knowledge, 
charisma and even anointing. But I look at the inward things, the things of 
the heart. I look at your character. I look at how much like Jesus you are 

"So who do YOU want to IMPRESS?"