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Date: Mar 18, 2002

This word is submited by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                          I Am Able

Child of Mine, what are you trusting in?  Are you trusting in your own 
ability, or are you trusting in Me?  I am faithful and I am true.  I 
alone am fully dependable.  You can trust Me and you can depend on Me. 

Many of you say with your mouths that you trust Me, but you live as
though you do not.  You allow your thinking and your vision to be 
driven by what is feasable, given your current circusmstances, rather 
than by what I desire to do.  Allow Me to expand your vision beyond
the constrants of the feasable.. beyond the constraints of your own
abilities.  Watch and see what I can do, for I am the Lord God almighty,
and I am not constrained by present circumstances.  I am not limited
by the things that limit man.  I am able to accomplish whatever I purpose 
in My heart to do.  I am able to provide resources where there is no
potential of resources.  

I am able to  expand your vision to match Mine -- to give you eyes to see 
as I see and a heart to percieve as I percieve.  Child of Mine, if you 
will look to Me and trust Me, I will expand your vision to match Mine.  I 
will take away human limitations and I will glorify My name through you.

However, you must understand that I am talking of My agenda, and not of
your own desires or of your own comfort.  I am not going to increase your
vision for your own personal gain, but that My name may be glorified and
that My kingdom may be expanded.  For I will glorify My name across the
face of the earth and I will cause My Son to be lifted up that men may
turn to Him and be saved.  This is My goal and this is My agenda, that
the nations may know My Son, that they may enter into personal relationship
with Me and that they might be saved and set free from the oppression of
the enemy.  

Child of Mine, know that I am faithful. Know that I am all powerful. And
know that I am able and willing to manifest My glory in your life and 
through you as you submit to Me.