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Date: Mar 17, 2003

This word is submitted by Jane Jacobson (restoration777@hotmail.com)


             Listen To My Whisper

You, as the body of Christ are maturing rapidly. It must be so.

The clamor of the enemy will try to drown out the whisper of the Spirit.
You can still hear in the midst of the turmoil because My sheep know My 
voice.  You have been trained to hear My voice in many circumstances; it 
comes from keeping your peace and knowing that I am the Prince of Peace. I 
will guide you as a shepherd leads his flock. I know where the craggy rocks 
are and the deep crevices,  and the hidden dangers.  I will lead you by 
the Spirit!

Do not listen to your logic or the words of men when you hear My voice. They
would lead you astray and yea, even to death.  Man knows little any more, 
and the enemy has multiplied false doctrine and confusion.  Whether it be 
the stock market or world affairs, man waits on the brink for the next move 
because he does not know what the Spirit of God knows.

Man would have thrown Jesus off the cliff, but I led Him through the midst
of them.  I will do the same with you.  I will also give you more revelation 
and wisdom to make your every day choices, for I would prosper My people in 
the midst of all of that that will be going on.

Know that I am your source.  You can and will be at the right time at 
the right place to obey what I command. There will be no risk factor if 
you truly know Me and hear My voice and obey.  

I will cause right words to be spoken in perfect season; resulting in the
elevation of My people to high places.  Did I not take Joseph out of the 
prison house to establish him to rule in Egypt?  This will be multiplied
in your day.  So, be still in the midst of everything -- be still.

I am your deliverer -- just as I was Israel's deliverer when they left 
Egypt. Many of you must leave the Egypt your lives are in.  I am faithful 
to deliver, but you must obey and do what I say.

Do not make decisions from your flesh.  Wait for the Spirit, and do not be 
hasty.  Wait -- for the timing must be right. I know what you do not know.
I will reveal as I see fit.  Step out in your faith, even a baby step at a
time -- more will be revealed as you obey.  Faith must take action, as you 
trust Me.  I will meet you there and we will journey together for the plan 
I have for each one of you.

Do not be afraid.  I am with you.  Trust me.  Hear Me.  Obey Me.