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Date: Mar 16, 2006

This word is submitted by Gerdi Marais (gm@raphacareer.co.za)


                      Keep Your Eyes On Me

The true meaning of "faith" is to keep your eyes on Me. If you put your eyes 
on anything else, that will cause doubt and unbelief. I want you to inherit 
all of My promises, and the way to do it is to keep your eyes on Me.  While 
Peter looked to Me and trusted in Me, he walked on water.  But as soon as he 
looked at the circumstances, he started sinking because of fear and unbelief.  

Look to Me.  I am Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.  Do not look
away or give attention to anything but My Word made flesh in your heart.  
When light is sent into darkness, it dispels darkness. Likewise My word,
watered in your heart through constant meditation, will not return void but
bear fruit in every circumstance and situation.  So keep your eyes on Me. I 
do not change and I will never fail you in any way.

There is a broad and narrow way. The narrow way is the way of faith. Few
travel on it. Few know My joy, love and peace. Few know My way. Everything
you need you will find in Me. I am the true Source of everything good. 
Fruit comes naturally when you stay in Me, when My Word lives in you.
Keep your eyes on Me. That way you cannot fail.

Return to your first love. Don't feel condemned, that is not My way. I woo
and win you over, but condemnation drives away. Will you come nigh and let 
Me show you how blessed you are? Enter into the blessedness of our unity by
faith, not works. Keep your eyes on Me and draw near to My Word and let Me
reveal Myself to you in a new way. I'm passionate about you and "hungry" to
pour Myself into you. I am your lover, friend and confidant. I love you.

Keep your eyes on Me. Never let your gaze depart from Me. I'm your salvation, 
your every need met. Come near. Taste and see. I long for you to experience 
My goodness towards you, My grace, My love, My unfailing everlasting 
companionship. Draw near My friend, My sister, My love, My child.. Come to 
Me. your God Whom will never fail or disappoint you. Come to Me right now. 
Do not let anything or anyone separate us, not even for a second longer. 
Receive My love. Receive Me right now!

Keep your eyes on Me.  I love you.