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Date: Mar 14, 2007

This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard [roarnworship@cfl.rr.com]


                   Set Free To Deeper Rest

For yes, I have come to set the captives free that they may have life
and life abundantly. Worship Me in the Spirit of holiness for there is
no other that can meet your need for Righteousness. If you will rely on
Me, I will provide all your needs. Why do you fret, O captive sister of
Zion? Why do you go about like there is no tomorrow? Escape the clutch
of the evil one and run in the freedom of your God. For this is the day
that I have come to transform you into My image.

Bow down before Me and I will bless you with what you need that will
carry you to the end. For these are evil times that the enemy has come
on like a flood with many deceiving thoughts that you will not make it
to the end. But do not listen to him or pay attention to the lying
circumstances that surround you. For I call you to just let go and let
Me be God. Let Me do the work needed in your heart for that is why I
allow the fire of My love to burn even higher in your life. I am burning
out the dross and purifying you and preparing you for what is ahead. I
am calling you to even a deeper walk with Me that calls for a deeper

Do not accept defeat but continue to stand on My promises. Through the
wind and the waves I will preserve you. Do not be anxious. Look past the
signs saying you will not the reap the promise. What will you believe?
Will it be what you feel or see or will you believe My Word. Don't rely
on how long it is taking and still things look like they are getting
worse. Hold on to Me! Reap the benefits of My promises by faith.

I will give you My wisdom and I will direct your paths in the
wilderness. Yes, I will provide even streams in the desert. I am with
you always to the end of time for I am eternal and you will go on in
eternity with Me. So look past these natural and temporal circumstances.

You are but a spirit inside a shell, and I am causing you to die out to
the flesh and its nature. I will restore your youth as the eagle if
you will walk in My Spirit. The secret to your success in Me is that you
will not love your life unto death and that you will commit all that you
love into My hands. Yes, all of your loved ones and everything that you
have. Nothing can harm or rob what you commit to Me.

And I am calling you to a deeper rest for you need your strength for the
final onslaught from the enemy. Yes, you will make it to the end because
My hand is on you and I am calling you forth. I am your strength, your
righteousness, and I am setting you free. Rest, My beloved.