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Date: Mar 8, 2004

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                         The Seed of Hope

Child of Mine, I have planted the seed of hope in your heart.  Do not
be discouraged if you do not see the fruit of it instantly.  Seeds 
start small and the initial growth is underground. There are no 
apparent signs of that life at first.  But that does not mean the seed 
has died. It means that the roots are going down, that the seed is being 
established that it might begin to shoot forth it's stem.

Child of Mine, I have seen your area of discouragement and I am with 
you.  I know it has been hard for you, but do not fret.  I am with 
you and I am working behind the scenes on your behalf.  And in time
you will see My glory come into your situation.

At times, it seems like I am not quick to reward your faithfulness.  But 
do not give up hope.  For I am working behind the scenes on your behalf 
long before My efforts will become apparent to you.  Do you remember My 
servant Mordecai?  His life is a reminder of My faithfulness and of the 
hope that I have given you.  I permitted him to discover a conspiracy 
against the king and to report it.  The king acted on his information and 
that information saved his life and secured his throne.  But Mordecai 
was not rewarded for it. He was not even acknowledged or thanked.  It 
seemed as though his good deed was for naught.  He could have become 
discouraged and felt unappreciated and taken advantage of.  But he chose 
not to do that.  He chose to trust in My faithfulness instead.  And
his trust was well placed, for I was working behind the scenes on his 

Haman wanted to kill him and even built a gallows toward that end.  And 
then Haman came early to the king's court, to seek permission to execute 
Mordecai.  And the king would have given that permission if I had not 
intervened. But I caused a restlessness to come upon the king, that he 
could not sleep that night.  In his sleeplessness, he called for the 
administrators to read the chronicles of the city.  And it was at that 
very instant, even has Haman waited in the outer court, that I made the 
king aware of Mordecai's deed and of the fact that he had not been 
rewarded for it.  And so, instead of allowing Mordecai to be executed, 
the king ordered him to be honored.  

You see, I was working behind the scenes in Mordacai's life.  I am the 
One Who caused the reward to be postponed that I might use it to save 
Mordecai's life.  And I am working just as actively behind the scenes 
in your life.  You cannot see and you cannot perceive what I am doing, 
but I am active on your behalf.  

At times I manipulate circumstances in a manner that you wish they would 
not go in.  I do not do it to torment you, I do not do this to treat you 
unfairly or to misuse you.  Rather, I do it because I understand the big 
picture and I am working on your behalf and for your good.  I know all 
the factors in your situation and I know the hidden dangers that you are 
unaware of.  And I am actively working behind the scenes for your good, 
to give you a hope and a future.

So hope in Me and you will not be disappointed.  Be patient and hang on
a little longer, and you will see My faithfulness, and I will bring My
glory into your situation.  Hope in Me, for I am faithful and My plans
for you are good.  I am working on your behalf, even as I worked on
Mordacai's behalf.  I will take care of you, you will not be disappointed.
So hope in Me.