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Date: Mar 4, 2002

This word is submitted by  Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                     Get Your House In Order

Child of mine, this is the season to get your house in order.  Many
of My children think they do not have to do this until they are closing
out their earthly affairs, until they are about to leave this world and 
be brought home to Me in eternity.  But I say unto you, this is not the
case.  You are get your house in order and you are to live with your
house order, under My lordship and under My authority.  It is time to 
cast aside anything that would hold you back, anything that would keep 
you from walking with Me and doing with Me what I am doing in My power 
and in My authority.

It is a time to receive healing, a time to cast off the dependencies
and oppressions of the things of this world.  It is a time to set your
heart and emotions in agreement with My priorities, that you are not 
hindered by holding on to things that hold you back and things that 
cause you harm.  It is time to lay aside offense, strife and anger
and to embarace forgiveness as freely as I have forgiven you.  It is
a time to embarce love of your brothern as completely as I have loved
you.  It is the time to renouce oppressions and dependecies, for I 
long to set you free, that you might be under My Lordship instead of 
being controlled by these things.  It is time to lay aside your own 
agendas and embrace mine.

Child, the time is soon coming where I am going to pour out My power
and My anointing on those who have, under the guideance of My Holy
Spirit, set their spiritual houses in order.  I am looking for a people
set apart and dedicated to Me, that I might show My glory through them,
that many will be drawn unto Me. So I say to you, child of Mine, do
not delay. Set your house in order.