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Date: Feb 26, 2004

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@aol.com)


                    Despise Not the Day of New Beginnings

Behold, I do a new thing; do not despise it!  Despise not the day of 
new beginnings.  Despise not chastisement.  I am the Lord, I change not.
My thoughts are not like yours -- My thoughts are higher than yours. 
Neither are My ways like yours.  And I am bringing you into My ways.
So do not lean on your own understanding.  

Submit to those who I have put in authority over you. Don't be rebellious, 
it is as witchcraft to Me. 

My people, get your houses in order.  It is time to take back all that 
has been stolen from you.  The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the 
violent take it by force! 

Leave the past behind. This is a new season, a season of new growth. 
Don't be conformed to the things of this world, instead trust in My 
word and My truth. I am leading you into a new place of worship and 
freedom, so follow Me.