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Date: Feb 24, 2006

This word is submitted by Donna J Durand (Inhprayerworld@aol.com)



Shout the battle cry: "The Victory Is Here!" The battle cry is Victory. 

Call My troops together now to possess the land. I have called you for such 
a time as this.  Rally My troops and storm the nation, the land I have given 
to all of thee, My precious sons and daughters. Shout, shout unto the Lord! 
Lead My people, My Holy Nation, in the name of Jesus, My precious Son, Who 
sits at My right hand. You also are seated in heavenly places. Take your 
place now and bring heaven onto earth.  

The angels have been released to accompany you everywhere your feet step. Go 
now go now go now and possess the land that I have given to you as an 
inheritance. You are My own special people: a royal priesthood, a holy nation. 
Amen and amen. I love you My dear ones.