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Date: Feb 20, 2004

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


                            The Storm

Why do you strive, My child, why do you worry? For I am with you at all 
times. Not just in good times, not just in happy times, not just in 
peaceful times. I am with you in the storms also. All of your worry 
will not change the situation. You run after prophecy but it does not 

For you need to seek after Me -- the giver of prophecy. Come -- seek 
My Words for I speak freely. Sit quiet, stop striving, and you will hear
the voice of your Creator. Seek not what man would say. Only seek what
the Father has to say. And I say to you now, child, I am with you in 
every storm. Come to Me for I will soar with you above all the storms 
you are in. These storms are not of My making. They come only when you 
take your eyes off of Me. Come to Me child, walk with Me. I will be your 
shelter in the storm. I will be your safe haven, even your lighthouse to 
lead the way in the darkness. Come child, soar with Me above the storm.