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Date: Feb 18, 2010

This word is submitted by Steve Bliss [godsfire@msn.com]


                      My Envoy

You are My envoy. 

I am sending you out into the city as My representative. The calling 
is simple; heal the sick and feed the poor. As My envoy, I have given
you access to all that is Mine. Reach out to those around you. They 
are looking for Me. Show My compassion and feed those in need.

Look about at what I have for you. As far as your eye can see or you 
might think to imagine. I've given it all to you. I have given you 
dominion. Do not limit what you think you can do in My kingdom.

My grace is upon you. Great grace flows from you to the world around 
you as you share Me. Don't fear what you think others are saying or
what you see of your past for I shall surely help you. Take that step. 
I will direct you into what I have for you.