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Date: Feb 18, 2009

This word is submitted by Rick Kerr [rick@godspeaks2day.com]


        The Seed Of Greatness
I knew you before you were in the womb,
so I've known you for quite some time.
I know your ending from the beginning 
and everything in between.
Contrary to popular thought, I know why you were born,
and I'd like to share that reason with you;
please hear what I'm saying.
There is a seed of greatness planted
deep within your heart.
It is not what the world strives for,
or what they say is important.
This seed is capable of so much more 
than what you presently dream of--
what you know, or even what you hope for.
There is laughter, and there is joy,
healing, miracles, and supernatural deliverance,
prosperity and happiness--
But most of all deep within you
is the ability to be in My presence 24 hours of the day,
seven days a week.
The seed planted in you is a longing for your God;
longing to be near Me, to hear Me, to see Me spiritually.
This connection does not come cheaply,
for the seed must be cultivated, 
attended to, and watered with the Word.
But you are not alone is this cultivation process.
If you've asked Me, I've already heard you,
And I've given you a Helper.
Be encouraged by the promises I've given you,
take them as gospel truth,
for I am not a man that I should lie--
there is no deceit in Me.
Well, that is what I wanted to share with you
The truth of the matter is that I love you 
and I have great rewards waiting you.
Seek Me and you will find Me--
That is a promise to you from the Father's heart.