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Date: Feb 18, 2004

This word is submitted by Jane Jacobson (restoration777@hotmail.com)


                         Do Not Hesitate

Obedience is better than sacrifice; so obey. These are perilous times 
and disobedience is costly to you and others. You are My precious 
jewels and I have been refining you in the fire. You are coming out 
as pure gold. You will be straight and hit the mark if you obey My 
commands with no procrastination or disobedience, and if you submit 
your will unto Me. You are servants of the Most High God. You are as 
arrows in My quiver and I would shoot you out where I may. I have plans 
that need to be fulfilled. I have destinies to be fulfilled. Your 
destinies! For a time such as this.

I have made you for relationship with Me as well as with others. I 
would that you would walk with Me and talk with Me as My Son did. You 
are made in His image. I would elevate you to high places quickly, for 
time is of the essence. I promote and I take down. I know who is ready, 
whether you think so or not. Do you remember Gideon, the mighty man of 
valor?  He did not see himself as I did. You might not either; but just 
know that the plans I have for you are for good and not for evil and 
that I will give you the ability to do all things. It is My ability 
and My wisdom. Just ask and receive that your joy may be full.

Remember that My Son lives in you and He is more than able. My 
strategy may not be what you have planned, but remember that My ways 
are higher than your ways. I use the humble to confuse the wise; the 
weak against the strong. I will redeem the days and the years that 
the locusts have taken. It has not been in vain. The suffering has not 
been in vain. The losses have not been in vain; the rejection and the 
loneliness have not been in vain. What was meant for evil will now 
have victory for good!

I will order your steps. Obey. I love you and want only good for you 
and all My children. You are My hands and feet. Go in love. Go in 
peace. Go in My name. I am with you. I am the I AM.