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Date: Feb 13, 2009

This word is submitted by Don Froess [israelfroess@gmail.com]


                           You're Called

My child, stir up the gifts within you, which you received by the breath
of the Spirit and the laying on of hands. Now they lie dormant, but they
are not gone. Even though you may be walking through the valley of the
shadow of death, My gifts and calling for you are irrevocable. Therefore 
in this season where it seems that black is white and up is down, know 
that you are battling the enemy of your soul. At times he causes you to 
believe I have lifted My hand off of you, but that is not truth. 

I remind you that I do not change and that I am the same yesterday, 
today and forever.

Therefore child I encourage you to quit wrestling with yourself and 
Myself, and to lower the white flag which you have held up towards the 
enemy because of his persistent taunting. For I am about to do a new 
thing of which has never entered your imagination, and rain down a fresh 
supply of manna to not only sustain you, but to give you revelation on 
how to outwit the enemy in this critical hour. I am the Lion of Judah 
and I hold the keys to death and Hades, and you are a co-heir with Me 
in My inheritance in the saints.

I am leading you out. Trust in Me, and do not go by what you see, for
your circumstances are only temporal. But the kingdom of Heaven is 
eternal, so lift your head and allow the King of Glory to come and 
strengthen your innermost being. Rise up from the mire and set your 
feet upon the Rock where no torrent can knock you down.

Beloved, I am the first born from the dead and behold I am alive 
forever more, therefore arise and come out of your cave. Cease from 
your running and being downcast with the spirit of fear, for you are 
not the only one that is enduring such trials and has kept from 
bending his knee to the enemy. 

Now do an about face, and come at him in the power and strength of 
the Holy Spirit. Cause that devil to wish he had never messed with 
one of the Lord's anointed.

Walk in My holiness and let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no.' 
Do not allow yourself to be carried about by differing theologies or 
points of view, but come up here as on the wings of an eagle and 
receive My point of view. I will show it to you clearly, so that you 
may walk in all that I have called you to do.