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Date: Feb 10, 2006

This word is submitted by Sue Whitney (happy7@tsn.cc)


                     Fly Like An Eagle

Fly like an eagle! Fly like an eagle! Fly like an eagle!  This is the 
gathering of My eagles in the cleft of the rock. I have brought you here to 
come and see that which I want to show you from the eyes of the eagle. Rise 
above the storms. Glide above the earthly realm and take your place in My 
plan. I will show you great and wonderful things if you will only persevere 
and if you will choose to look further than with your natural eyes.

Know that I have called you for a purpose such as this: to see above the 
storms,  to rise above the earthly elements so that you might see what I 
am doing in this very time. See what I see so that you might do what I do. 
Be not complacent, but come, and be persistent in the place of honor that 
I have set aside for you. Come chaperoned by My Spirit alone, so as to 
share in My wealth and fortune which is not of this world.

Take the underlings (weaker ones) under your wings and teach them to fly.
Record what I teach you!  Let your tongues become tongues of fire and 
tongues of life.  Use them for My purposes alone.

Allow Me to kindle the flames in your heart that I am beginning to stoke, 
and allow not the circumstances of the day to dampen your spirit or quench 
My flame in your heart. Transpose My heart upon yours. Let the negatives of 
this life become your stepping stones to higher ground in My Presence. Let 
not the shocks and tremors on the earth's surface frighten you, for I am 
rearranging the things of this world so that My people will come into 
alignment with Me and My purposes.

Come and live on higher ground so that you might rise above the hungers and 
lusts of the flesh, and do not forsake the meal that I have laid before you, 
by replacing it with the taste of fleshly desires.  Be not tempted to taste 
of things of the world so as to quench your hunger for Me. Be diligent and 
do not take lightly the things I show you. Rise and eat of the delights that 
I alone can put before you. Fill your heart with the pleasures of My heart 
and not the pleasures of man.

Let your hearts not be troubled or dismayed when you see the shifting of 
sands, for this must surely come to pass.  Follow through with that which 
I have set before you. Be unshakeable in that which sets you apart for Me. 
Count the cost and know that you are at the very centre of My heart. I 
include those who choose to know Me well in the finer details of My plans.

So come with the eyes of an eagle and focus on Me alone and then you will 
see with My heart. Shake and tremble, but only under My power. Drink not of 
the froth and bubble that man pours for his own desires. This is not a 
party, but a banquet and feast if you will only come and eat of  Me.

Steady yourself against My heart and you will not stumble, but lean not on 
your own understanding or carnal formulas for success.  So rise up above 
that which you have known and understood. Equate yourself not with the 
things of man, but with that which is My very heartbeat. I long for you 
to accompany Me on this journey. Take every opportunity I give you. Dwell in 
My Presence and flourish. Know Me! Know Me! Know Me! Your placemat is set at 
My table - come and eat!

Do not fight the wind - do not beat at it with your fists, nor wrestle against 
it, for it will blow at My discretion. Go with Me. I will move you on. Your 
path is directed by My hand for fullness, for sharpness, for courage, for 
victory.  Sharpen your swords by walking in truth in every corner of your life 
and mind. I have not placed you here to run aimlessly, but to run the course 
that I have set before you.