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Date: Feb 8, 2005

This word is submitted by Dorine Spencer (dorine1956@sbcglobal.net)



My child, do not fear for I will never leave you. I will comfort you in 
your darkest hour.  I will protect you when the battle that you fight in 
My name rages around you.  I will blanket you with grace as you stand in 
My name. 

It does not matter what the world says to you, for I have called you.  
Heed My voice; do not listen to the call of the world. You are not who 
you were when your journey began; you have been forever changed. You are 
a child of My divine design.

There will be storms as you walk this journey, for you walk in My name. 
You shall walk by My will, and you will stand by My will.  The victory
shall be yours by My will.  I have called you to stand, and stand you 