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Date: Feb 2, 2010

This word is submitted by Mitzi Busby [mitzibusby12@gmail.com]


                      Into My Courts

In My courts there is a ceasing from daily striving, there is peace 
from the spiritual battles that you face as a Child of Mine. Draw near 
to Me for strength. 

I now bring My rains of refreshment to you in the natural and in the 
spiritual. Drink deeply, as there is much joy provided here. I love you
with an everlasting love and I uphold you. You are covered by Me, 
sheltered, shadowed in My wings. 

Rise up and go with Me as I long to impart treasures of revelation to 
you from My heart. Let go of all that would entangle you, entrust it to 
Me as I am more than able to keep you. I love you, Dear One. I am your 
foundation, sure and steady. I see all that lies ahead for you and it 
is time for a season of coming into My destiny for you.  

Wear My purpose like a coat or mantle. See, it fits perfectly. Come walk
with Me in the cool of the day and find refreshment.