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Date: Feb 2, 2005

This word is submitted by Jim Clapper (jclapper@techteam.com)


                    Let Go Of This World

Do not hold onto the cares of this world. For I know how to care for the
animals that live in the field, how much more worth are you to Me. If I
am able to care for the animals, am I not able to care for My people?

Many seek the comforts of this world and keep their focus on how to
obtain more. They lose sight of what I have for them when they lose
their dependence upon Me. The cares for the things of this world blind
them to the good things I would give unto them. Hear My voice My people,
trust in My ability to provide for your needs. I know what you have need
of before you ask and I am able to Meet that need if you will turn to

Open your eyes to what I have for you. Take your eyes off the world and 
focus on Me. Learn of Me, read My word, see how I have provided for My 
people. Do not let your heart be troubled by the things that go on
around you in this world for I have overcome this world. You are in this
world for a short time; use that time wisely to learn of Me. Focus on
what I have for you, not what you can get in this world. Let this world
take care of its own; you are of Me, let Me take care of you. Walk with
Me and let go of the things of this world for they will choke your love
for Me from you. My ways are not the world's ways. 

I have a plan for each of you and know what you will need to fulfill that 
plan. Let Me meet your needs according to what I have for you. My gifts 
are pure and do not rust or wither away, and cannot be stolen. Let your 
treasures be found in Me, not in this world. I long to give the gifts I 
have for you unto you. If you would come to Me, seek Me, ask of Me, I will 
bestow all that I have for you unto you. Let My Holy Spirit be your guide, 
not the desires for the things this world has to offer you, for those 
things will not last but what I give you will last forever.