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Date: Dec 31, 2008

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                 A New Years Eve Message

This season is drawing to an end and a new season will soon dawn
before you. So lay aside all that hinders you, leave it behind
you as you pass into the new year. 

Let go of fear, worry and anxiety; for these things do not serve 
you well. Choose to embrace faith and hope. I am not asking you to 
hope for what "might be," but to hope in Who I am. I am good and
I am all power; I am both willing and able to take good care of
My own. You are standing at a threshold, you are crossing from
one path to another. So, lay down the spirit of fear and take up 
the faith that I am with you, knowing that I will take care of 
you because I am your God.

You must also let go of all offense, unforgiveness, bitterness 
and resentment, for these things are poison to you. Leave them 
behind so that they will not harm you as you enter into the coming 
season. My desire is to give you life that is abundant and full,
but the poison of offense and unforgiveness will keep you from 
being able to fully receive it. These things are the venom 
deposited from the snakebite of the great serpent, the devil. Do 
not allow them to fester in you. 

In the natural, when a person is bitten by a poisonous snake, they 
are cut open and the venom is sucked out before it can drain all of 
the life from the person. Treat offense and unforgiveness the same 
way--do whatever is necessary to get them out of your system, do 
not allow them to cross the threshold with you into the coming 
year. In fact, if you will come to Me and ask Me for help, I will 
help you with this. Confess your sin to Me of carrying these things, 
repent before Me, and ask Me to set you free from them. If you will 
do that, then I will grant you a supernatural grace and I will 
break the power of offense off of you. You cannot shed these things 
in your own power, you need My help. So come to Me and allow Me to 
drain this poison from your veins.

Likewise, let go of sin and depravity and embrace My holiness. 
Choose to walk in My ways, and you will find rest for your soul. 
The "pleasures" of this world are only for a very brief season and
they cannot satisfy you. Lay them aside and begin to embrace the 
true riches of Heaven. When you turn away from these things and 
turn to Me, I will surely meet you. I have comfort and peace and 
joy for you, and I give Myself to you. These are the true pleasures 
that will fulfill and satisfy your soul--not just now, but for all 

So let go of the carnal things that you cling to, and reach out 
your hand to grasp a hold of Me. When you do this, I will also reach 
out to take a hold of you, and I will keep you safe and I will not 
let go of you. I will satisfy your every need and I will give you a
sense of purpose and destiny. I will allow you to experience the
great pleasure and delight of entering into My tangible presence
and tasting of My manifest glory.

Dear one, you stand at a crossroad at this instant, for you will
leave the previous year behind and step into the new one. Consider 
your ways and consider where you are going. Choose to shed the 
things that hold you back in your walk with Me. Choose to embrace 
My ways and choose to enter into a new season of freedom  before 

Come and walk in My ways.