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This word is submitted by Olie Carden (Olcjr@aol.com)

The Lion And The Lamb

I was caught up for a moment and I saw the Lord in Heaven and He changed the way He was sitting on the Throne, He moved around. This had never occurred to me before that the Lord actually moved around while He sat on the throne. I asked Him why did you move on the throne? He said "it was natural to move around in any chair." But this time He had also changed His position on the Throne as He sat there. The Lord is preparing the Heavenliness for His next move.

I sensed in the Spirit it was the shifting from the Lamb to the Lion. Now a lamb will harvest the bounty of any pasture. They have no regard to the marking of territories they graze where the grazing is good. But a Lion marks territories. They physically mark out areas they claim. They lay hold and claim that which they claim.

The Lord said, "The last time I came they missed Me because they were looking for the conquering Lion. Many will miss my coming again. They wait for the Lamb to return. But this time I come as the lion." He asked me, "Who do you expect to come to you in church while you pray, the lamb or the lion?" I said nothing knowing I expected the lamb. The Lord said "My people whom I have always loved think of Me as the lamb. But the Lion is appointed to return. I was sacrificed for the redemption of man and my blood shed upon the earth, but when I return it will be as the lion."

Olie Carden