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Date: Dec 29, 2004

This word is submitted by Gerdi Marais (gm@raphacareer.co.za)


(For those who feel like they are far from God)


I am weaving My words into the depths of your soul. Streams and mighty 
rivers of blessing will flow. See! I'm adorning you with jewels. My light 
in you, shining, to give hope to downcast souls. 

My desire is to see My light in every heart. So speak light into darkness, 
and fire into the grown cold hearts of My saints that have been frozen 
over by the cheap promises of man's religion.  It is time to come back to 
the Lover of your souls to receive wine and flax and oil. I am wooing My 
people once again to flow in My love, grace and peace.

Hear Me this day, as I send the fire of My love to melt your frozen heart
to once again feel My Presence, My love, My warmth.  I'm doing it in this 
hour. I have called you redeemed and it shall be so. Receive!