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Date: Dec 22, 2004

This word is submitted by Gerdi Marais (gm@raphacareer.co.za)


               I Am For You

Do not lose hope! Do not give up and do not despair!  For I am your hope! 
I am your future and I am your breakthrough!

Breakthrough is near. I have made the way and will keep on making the way. 
Do not despair. Do not lose hope. Only keep your eyes on Me. I will not 
fail you. I will not let you down. What has been promised will come to pass. 
Am I a man that I should lie? Behold I am God of the Universe, the Creator 
of heaven & earth. Is anything too difficult for Me?

I tell you the truth. Your breakthrough is near. Do not lose hope. Do
not lose focus. Salvation is near. Only believe. Only keep beholding
Me. I will bring you through. I am for you, not against you and I will
bring you into a future and hope that is good and not evil. Trust Me and
let Me carry you through. Do not lose hope.

I am for you.