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Date: December 18, 2003

This word is submitted by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


                 Know Me As Your Greatest Prize

My children, do you understand the depth of My Love for you? Have you 
contemplated the awesomeness of who you are in Me? Each of you have been 
created out of a passion set in My heart. You are not an accident of 
nature, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!! I placed in each of you 
deposits of great treasures that I alone can unlock. You need to come unto 
Me at a level that you and I alone can embrace. I adore that you have come 
to know Me and accept Me as Lord -- yet there is more... you know this do 
you not? It is the cry of your heart to know Me more and yet you fear 
what you will have to give up. But I would tell you that you will give 
up the lesser, the tarnished, the old.  And you will give it for something 
of far greater value -- the true gold, the new. Listen deep within your 
hearts for you do know My voice.  It tells you to pursue Me, to go past 
the fear of the unknown for the higher prize!.

You say, "Lord I have pursued." And I say yes, but I also say there is so 
much more that you need.  Understand that My passion and pursuit of you 
is hot in fervency, and I desire to bring you to the fullness of who and 
what you were created for.  Do not fear.  Though the price seems strong, 
it will pale in comparison to all that I have for you. Have I not been 
trustworthy to you?  Have I not led you and provided all that you really 
did need? Did I not protect you through the storms that have come. They 
did not overcome you but you have overcome them just as I said that you 
would -- thru Me. 

Children listen! Settle yourselves and listen for I am passionately 
wanting to do much more for you and thru you than you allow.  You think 
of yourselves far less than I do. Do you not understand that when I look 
upon you, I see a completed work? I am not blinded by the past, nor 
by the limitations of today -- but I see all the potential and creative 
treasures that I have placed in you. This, My children, is the gift that 
My Son bought for you. Your redemption is complete if you accept it.
Your destiny is within your grasp if you will hearken unto Me, for I 
will it!