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Date: December 17, 2009

This word is submitted by Israel Froess [israelfroess@gmail.com]


                          Do You Hear The Rain

My child, stop and rest awhile; allow Me to quiet you with My love. 
As this is a time when you need not to speak, but to posture yourself 
and listen patiently and intently. For there is the sound of heavy 
rain coming, which will be greater than outpourings from the past. 
This will bring an end to the barrenness of your earthen vessel, and 
cause you to no longer be dry and desolate.

My Spirit is blowing beloved, therefore quit resisting Me as I make 
you come to that place where you will lay down in green pastures. For 
I desire you not to eat dust any longer, but to begin the journey out 
of the desert and to be led to the quiet waters, in order that you may 
drink from the Streams of Life.

Child My rod and staff are here to comfort you, and to keep you from
following another voice that wishes to cause you much harm and pain.
Therefore take this time of being restless and anxious, to be still 
and rest in My Presence underneath the shadow of My Spirit. For just 
as Aaron's rod budded, blossomed and produced almonds, so will cause 
you to bud, blossom and produce good fruit as you lay in My Presence. 
It will not be by striving or works that will cause you to do any of 
this, for just as that piece of wood could not conjure anything up, 
neither will you be able to as well. But if you will be still, My 
Spirit will cause your face to shine as He did with Moses, and you 
will go from glory to glory.

Therefore let go the stones of which you may want to throw at those 
who may have wrongly treated or accused you. Instead take the 
cornerstone and lay your head upon Him. For as you do I will declare 
grace and blessings upon you, and My Rock will burst open so as to 
pour out streams of Living Water and release life to the dead and dying.

Therefore wait upon Me and do not be in haste or sin in your anger, 
as Moses did when he struck the rock. For anger does not produce God's 
righteousness, and it is righteousness that will cause you live in a 
fertile field. For the effect of righteousness is quietness and 
confidence, and peace will be its fruit of which you will display to 
a world without peace.