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Date: December 16, 2003

This word is submitted by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


                      How Real Am I To You?

How real am I to you My child? How well do you know Me? How well would 
you know Me? Do you know Me as your Heavenly Father?  Do you know Me
as your redeemer? Do you know Me as your hiding place? Do you know Me
as your provider, your healer, your Lord and King? These are but a few 
questions that I would ask you, My children. For I would have you know where 
you know Me and where you have yet to know Me. Do you not understand that 
no matter how well you know of Me, that does not mean that you know Me? 
For there is a large gap between knowing of Me and knowing Me personally. 

Do you not understand that I call you to more than go to My house 
occasionally and learn of Me?  Would you consider someone a true and intimate 
friend if they only visit on a superficial level?  Neither do I!! I desire 
to know you and be known of you in levels that go way beyond this.  For 
My desire for you burns strongly -- I yearn for My own. And I will have 
a people after My heart.  I desire a people with one heart and one mind
with Me.  Flow in My love and passions and you will never end up staying 
out in the outer courts. This is a day when I call My people, My chosen 
ones, to come even past the inner courts to the Holy of Holies! 

You have done well to come, to press into the inner courts and know Me at 
deep levels.  But now I tell you that it is time for more intimacy with Me.
I am calling My children to come and dance with Me, one-on-one -- you and 
I alone. 

You need this time with Me for the days ahead, for it will determine 
whether you will stand or fall in times to come. Know and understand 
this, that this is not a frivolous request but an urgent call to My 
children. I know what is coming and what it will take and this is 