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Date: December 14, 2009

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                           Slow Down

Child of Mine, I want you to slow down and rest in Me. I know it is a
very busy time for you, for the world is hurrying and scurrying in this
season to make ends meet, and this is a season of much hustle and 
bustle. There are many demands for your time and attention, and they 
make it too easy to push aside your times of intimacy with Me.

But you must not allow that to happen, dear one, for I am the source
of your strength and the source of your peace. You cannot adequately
prepare yourself for all that you must face if you do not spend time
being centered in Me, so that I can restore your soul and refresh you.

It is in those times of intimacy that I am able to replenish your 
faith and restore to you all that the devil has tried to take from 
you. Yes, I will breathe My life back into you in these times; I
will empower you with all that you need to accomplish everything that 
is set before you. I will give you wisdom and discernment as you draw 
close to Me, so that you cannot be led astray. Yes, I will give you My
strategies to overcome all of the harm that your enemy the devil may 
plot and scheme against you. I will strengthen you and make My great 
love and mercy so real to you that you carry it with you when you go 
out from My presence into your daily routine.

I am not asking for all of your time, dear one, but I am asking that
you make it a priority to spend time with Me on a regular basis. I
want to you to fix your thoughts on Me and to submerge yourself in 
My truth and in the reality of My great love for you. 

I want you to get to know Me to the point that you have absolute 
confidence in My faithfulness, so that nothing you face can ever 
shake you. I want to make it real to you that I am all powerful and 
that I lack nothing, and that I fully intend to take care of every 
one of your needs out of the abundance of My great supply. I want it 
to be so very real to you that I am there to always protect you. I want 
you to have an absolute certainty that I am with you in all things and 
I will never reject you, leave you, or abandon you.

But we need to spend time together in order for Me to reveal Myself 
to you like this, in order for you to better get to know what I am
truly like and what a good father I am.

So come to Me dear one, and learn to abide in My presence. Draw near 
to Me and allow Me to show you Who I am. Begin to know Me better and 
be saturated in My truth; so that you can begin to live in the reality 
of My kingdom and experience My presence and My power and My glory
in all that you do. 

So slow down dear one, and make time for Me. Learn to draw near, to 
rest in My presence and to abide in My love. Then watch and see how
much I will reveal Myself to you, for I will draw close to you as 
you draw close to Me.