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Date: Dec 12, 2002

This word is submitted by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


                    I Will Never Leave You

My child, why do you fret? why do you act as though I have left you? I 
have not left nor will I ever leave you.  But you say then, 'why do I not 
feel You as I did in other times?' It is not that I have left but there 
are times when I step in closer to you.  There are times when I walk along 
side holding your hand and guiding. There are times when we walk and talk 
as friends in the cool of the day. There are times when I, as your Father, 
talk to you in loving patience, teaching and rebuking.  There are those 
times when I step in closer to you, times when it seems as if we are in a 
special dance all our own.  There are times when I feel the pull of your 
yearning heart crying out to Me. There are times when I know you need the 
strength and comfort that I alone can give. 

Do not think that I would ever leave you My child. I am always as close 
as a single cry from your heart or lips. Do not judge it by times of 
extreme closeness and intimacy with Me, for those are not the measuring 
line by which to judge.  I have said, and I do not lie, that I will never 
leave you nor forsake you.  But like you, I yearn for more closer and
intimate time with you. What Father would not?  But there is time also 
that you must walk out the calling and path that is laid before you.

Remember to come to the secret place, the place of closeness and intimacy 
with Me. Allow Me to step close again and again and again and again... I 
love you My child and I desire this as much, and even more so than you 
desire it.