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Date: Dec 07, 2001

This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard (RainNglory@msn.com)


                    I Promised You The Rain

These are the days of the latter rain outpouring.  Yes, these are the 
days where I will pour out an abundance of rain upon you.  I will pour 
out My anointing upon you in full measure.  Yes, My glory will be upon 
you as I have promised to you before.  I will even cause your shadow 
upon you to touch those around you with My abundance of grace.  I have 
promised that even your shadow would set the captives free.  And as you 
worship Me, I will break off of you all that the enemy tried to keep 
you bound with.  Yes, the chains of oppression are falling off of My 
people.  And yes, I am setting them free and healing their hearts 
resulting in an abundance of healing in their bodies.

You are My people and I am your God, and I have come to bless you and 
anoint you and set you free.  Keep your eyes on Me, and do not pay 
attention to all the enemy is trying to distract you with for they are 
all lies.  Stay behind your shield of faith, and use your sword of the 
Spirit to demolish the strongholds of the enemy.  Keep your mind covered 
with the blood of the Lamb that keeps you safe from all harm.  Keep your 
armor securely fastened together never to be removed.  For this is the 
day of perilous times, and the enemy is coming on strong trying to 
devour My plans and purposes through the remnant.

Worship Me, My people, and I will strengthen you and encourage you.  
My joy will therefore be your strength if you stay in My secret place.  
Yes, you may abide in My intimate presence in the center of My perfect 
will.  Do not be anxious for anything.  Cast all your cares upon Me, 
and I will provide and keep you safe.  Walk with Me in the cool of the 
day for I am closer than a brother to you.  I am your best friend.  Yes, 
walk with Me and talk with Me.  Commune with Me, and know Me intimately 
for that is the only way you can know My heart and My will for you.  For 
I love you so, and I want to speak into your heart what you long to hear.  
I am all you will ever need.  

I said I would set a table for you in the presence of your enemies.  
Nothing is impossible to Me if you believe in My faithfulness to keep you 
and provide for you.  Everything you commit to Me, I wil keep.  So cast 
all your care upon Me.  Put everything in My hands and then rest, My 
children, in My loving arms and in the comfort of knowing your Father's 
love for you.  

Yes, these are perilous times, but I promised you the rain.  Yes, the 
latter rain.  My children, I have given you My all when I gave you My Son.  
Will I not give you the same now in My Son?  Keep your eyes on Him, and 
walk in His foot steps. Keep His example, and I will draw all men unto 
Him.  Be still and know that I am your God and that I intimately love you, 
and you forever will dwell in My presence.