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Date: Dec 5, 2002

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (daughterofzion1@earthlink.net)


                          A Vessel of Gold

I have given you new life and now I desire more from you. I have been 
pushing you to your limits and beyond, for you must exceed yourself 
before you can serve Me as you desire. I have called and prepared you, 
now you must step out and do what I have told you. 

I give you new boldness. So, My child, do not be hesitant. Just trust that 
I am leading you. You shall be My healer and deliverer, for have not I 
proclaimed that to you? A silver vessel gets tarnished when sitting on 
the shelf. You shall not be tarnished, but will shine with My glory. And 
as you are obedient to Me and order your steps where I send, you will no 
longer be that silver vessel, but you will become that vessel of pure gold. 
For gold will never tarnish. 

And your walk before Me you will be led by My Spirit in all things. No 
more will you sit on the shelf. The watchman of the gate says, "Come child, 
step forward. For My arms are strong and My love is deep. I will never 
forsake you, for you are My precious child and I love you.