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Date: Dec 05, 2001
This word is submitted by Jane Jacobson (jjacobson13@sprint.ca)


                Breaking Forth, the Transformation

Be not discouraged when you seem to be in a constant state of repentance. 
Rejoice, rather, that I am digging deeper and exposing all the roots of 
those things that don't please Me.  You will find the same things seem 
to appear, and you will wonder if you will ever be free from them; sins 
of offence,  judgement, pride, self, words, flesh, and lack of discipline.

This is when you will find that as strong as you are in many areas, you 
are still weak.  Call on Me for those little battles as well as the bigger 
ones. The victory will be yours and the battle will be Mine. When you are 
weak, I am strong. Your dependence upon Me will be your strength for you 
will see that neither flesh nor self can conquer, but rather the Spirit of 
God and the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I am concerned about the "little things" as well as the seemingly bigger 
offences that seem to hinder you from becoming a spotless Bride.  I am 
doing a deeper work, for the cleaner the vessel, the more powerfully I 
can use you.  Be willing to allow Me to show you the areas that need to 
be transformed and changed. It will not be only a spiritual makeover,
but a physical one as well. I need healthy physical bodies to serve Me. 
I want you to be of excellence...far better than what the world has to 
offer. I want to position you in the highest positions where you can and 
will make a difference.

You will find that I will stretch you in many areas. I will reveal to 
you practical things you must do to bring transformation as well. I 
will enhance your wisdom and revelation with Mine.  The process of 
these changes will be like a metamorphosis from the cocoon until the 
eventual butterfly emerges. The struggles and battles and efforts will 
be yours, with My help. You will grow stronger and must continue the 
effort of growth and change until you break forth as the " spotless 

By Jane Jacobson