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Date: December 1, 2009

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                          You Are Loved

Little one, I want you to know that I love you. I am constantly speaking
this to you, forever whispering My love and My great compassion for you  
into your ear, where it fills your spirit and nourishes your soul.

There are other voices shouting at you, trying to drown out the voice 
of My great love for you. The enemy of your soul wants to convince you 
that you are somehow exempt from My love--that it is for everyone else 
but is not for you. He will tell you that you are unlovable, or that you 
have somehow disqualified yourself from My great love for you. But, dear 
one, he is a liar and the father of lies, and you should not listen to 
him. What he tells you is not true.

The truth is that I am your Daddy God, and that I cannot stop loving
you--even when you are disobedient, even when you soil yourself. Yes, I
love you  even when you are so caught up in your own agenda that you 
temporarily forget about Mine. There may be times when I have to 
discipline you in love, for I do discipline My own just as any natural
human father would do. But I do not stop loving you at these times
and I do not stop taking care of you.

Here is the truth--once you have been adopted into My family, I will not 
throw you out of it, nor can any man separate you from My hand. I will 
hold you and comfort you in the times that you hurt or feel afraid. I 
will provide for you in the times when you have a need. I don't do this 
because you somehow earn it--I do it because of who I am. I am a loving 
father God Who cannot help but to take good care of His children. 

You are My child, dear one. You were adopted into My family the moment
you received the good news of the Gospel. Your sins were covered by the
blood of My Son, you made Me your Lord and Master, and I made you My own 
dear child. At that moment, I took responsibility for you; I promised to 
take care of you, and I am a God who always keeps My word. 

At that moment I began to pour out My love upon you and I will continue 
to do so--even when your senses are too dull to perceive it. Yes, I 
will be constantly at work in your circumstances to bring My good and 
My glory into them. Fear not and do not be afraid. I am all powerful 
and almighty, and I take very good are of My own.

You are My own. You are My dear child who I love, and I will take good
care of you.