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Date: Nov 30, 2001

This word is submitted by  Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


			Growing In Intimacy

To know Me in intimacy requires that you spend time with Me.  Do not 
think that the time spent casually, where I am almost not perceivable, 
is of less value than the time where I manifest My presense strongly.  
Child, I am the key to all that you desire.  Seek Me and pursue Me.  
Know that I am with you.  Fear not.  Know that I am with you in all 
that you do.  It is My ferverent desire to draw you closer, and that 
is why you have had this yearning for My presense within your spirit.

Child, I am not in a hurry.  Know that I will accomplish my plans and
purposes for your life, and that they are very good.  But do not be in 
such a rush to do My work that you try to do it without Me.  Do not
leap ahead.. wait for Me to send you.  When I send you out, there will 
be a power and anointing that will amaze you.  The anointing will be 
there because I am there.  You do not have to be afriad that I will send 
you out without the where-with-all to do My work with Me.  Yes, My life,
My power and My anointing shall be upon you when I send you out.

I am taking you to a new place of intimacy with me.  I am going to take 
you in many different ways.  Do not look to only one method to come
into my presense, for there are many ways that I would manifest myself
in your midst: in worship, in personal devotions and quite times of 
waiting before Me, in times of intercession and agreeing together in 
unity, in times when you are serving Me, in times when you are sent
out to speak forth the good news and to minister to the needy and the
hurting.  I am faithful.  I will work my glory in these areas, and I 
will reveal myself to you in the midst of them.

The time is coming very soon when I will break the power of doubt over
you.  There will be a freedom and a liberty in faith that you have not
seen before.  At that point, you will no longer need my constant 
reassurances.  But until that day, I delight to give them to you. 
Child, know that I am with you as you walk with Me.  I will show myself
real and I will show myself faithful, and I will increase My power in 
your life.  But child, that will be less important to you, because I am 
taking you into a new place if intimacy with Me. 

You will find that the level of My authority in your life will continue 
to increase as your level of intimacy with me increases.  I am bringing 
you up and I am going to put a seal of approval on you..  You will be 
sent forth, you will be thrust forth, and I will put my message in your 
mouth and you will speak it with my authorty.  There will always be 
opposition to what I am doing in you, but know that I will cause you to 
overcome it, often without noticing it is there.

I have loved you with an everlasting love..my love for you is perfect and 
I will accomplish it in your life.  Do not fear child, my plans for you 
good, and I will accomplish them in you as you grow closer to me.  I am
going to shed more and more of the light of my presense on you.   You will
be one who walks in my light and who walks in close intimacy with me.
This is my plan for you.