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Date: Nov 24, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                       Love One Another 

Have I not commanded you to love one another?**  Don't you realize that one 
of the primary ways that I love and comfort My own is by working through 
others of My own in their lives?  I am in each of My followers, and through 
them I reach out to others of My own to show My love and My compassion to 

Through My own, I pick up the phone to call the one who has had a bad day
to encourage them.  Through My own, I visit the one who is sick in the
hospital to bring them comfort. Through My own, I buy a bag of groceries
for the one who is financially strapped and cannot feed their family.
Through My own, I take the lonely one out for a cup of coffee and fellowship
with them.  Through My own I bring comfort, I bring healing, I bring joy 
and I demonstrate to them that they are loved and cared for.

Open your heart to Me to allow Me to love through you. Yes, at times it may 
be inconvenient.  At times it may be costly.  At times you simply won't feel 
like doing it.  But I want to pour My love into you that you would overflow 
with it, that would run out to others who need a touch of My compassion.  
Will you allow Me to touch them through you?

Some of you would say to Me,  "Lord how can I reach out in love to others
when no one every reached out that way to me?"  To those, I would answer,
"Precious one, they have resisted Me and fallen short by not reaching out 
to you, and that grieves My heart.  But their disobedience does not excuse 
you from obeying Me.  You are to reach out in love to others even if no 
human has ever reached out to you."

The truth is that I personally have reached out in love to you with My nail 
scarred hand.  I have laid down My very life for you because you are 
precious to Me and because I love you.  I have put My spirit within you so 
that you will never be alone or abandoned.  I have sovereignly provided for 
you when you were in need and I have sovereignly protected you when you were 
in danger.  So whether or not you were not adequately loved by your brothers 
and sisters in the faith, you are still adequately loved by Me and you will
continue to be so loved throughout eternity.  I want you to be secure in My
love for you; it is real, it is eternal and it will never be taken away 
from you.

I am asking you to allow Me to love others of My own through you, whether or
not you have been treated that way yourself.  I don't want you to love them 
because of the way they have loved you; I want you to love them because of 
the way that I have loved you.  I want you to show them the same love that 
I have shown you, and I want to fill you and empower you that I might love 
them through you.  I want to lead you in amazing ways into divine 
appointments I have set for you, that I might demonstrate My love through
you.  I want to use you to meet real needs that various ones of My own have.  
I want to flow out to them in love and compassion--and I want to do it 
through you.  

Will you flow with Me in this?  Will you open your heart to Me and allow Me
to pour My compassion into you, and then out through you into others? Will
you begin to step out in obedience to reach out to others who need a touch
of My love?  Will you allow Me to glorify My name through you in this 

Child, I have commanded you to love one another.  Will you obey Me in this?

**John 15:12