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Date: Nov 21, 2001
This word is submitted by Kristin Reeg (kristinreeg@strategicnetwork.org)


                           Lift up!

Lift up your heads, oh ye saints! Lift up your eyes! Lift up your 
hands and praise your God in heaven. For today - today is the day of 
restoration. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of 
freedom and liberty for the captives. Lift your eyes from your 
circumstances and place them upon Me. For I am much bigger than your 
situation. Lift up your eyes and focus them on Me. Lift up your hands 
in praise and adoration, and I tell you the mountains before you will 
crumble. Come to Me and offer Me a sacrifice of praise and see if I 
will not honor it. Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden 
and I will give you rest. I will give you peace. You must focus on 
Me, not on what is happening around you. For have I not promised that 
I would supply all your needs? Have I not promised that I would take 
care of you? Are not all My promises yes and amen? Lift up your eyes 
and lift up your faith. Believe in the words that I  have spoken to 
you. Believe in the promises that I have given you. Believe and soon 
you will receive.