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Date: Nov 20, 2002

This word is submitted by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


                   A word to those in ministry

My sons and My daughters to you I send My Word this day. I have seen 
your work and your faithfulness and this day I tell you it has not gone 
unnoticed. I see where your hearts have been and where they are now and I 
say to you do not be heavy burdened, do not be in mourning. 

The enemy has said to you look and see, for there is no growth, no fruit 
in those that you have tended and fed.  But I say NOT SO!!! For he would 
have you look at the gap between where you are in Me and where they are 
in Me.  And you have looked. You see no closing of the gap and at times 
even a widening of the gap.  But I tell you this is not the right measuring 
line. For what you have failed to see and understand is the growth that 
has been in you. A growth I have caused, a growth that at times supersedes 
what they have gone through -- where the gap has stayed the same, these 
are those who have stayed at the same rate of growth as you... where it 
has widened it is because you have grown at a faster pace and this has 
been necessary for you must possess before you can give out. 

Do not be disheartened My dear children for THERE IS GROWTH and you have 
been found faithful. Soon will come the harvest. Soon will come the time 
when the reaper overtakes the sower. Remember My dear ones that My Word 
is life and will not return void... Remember it is My Word that you have 
been obedient to plant, sow, cultivate, water and protect in the lives of 
those under your care. 

Remember, My angels watch over My Word to perform it where you have been 
faithful to sow. Remember it is all that I have said it is and you will 
see this if you faint not. Do not be deceived by a standard other than 
Mine for he knows and understands the fullness of the work you and I have 
done together. Lift up your heads My dear ones, My chosen ones. Lift up 
your eyes and your hearts to Me for today I say you have been found 
faithful. Know My eyes are upon you My beloved and receive not only this 
word to you but My touch upon you this day. Be encouraged and know I am 
well pleased My dear ones.