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Date: Nov 17, 2004

This word is submitted by James Donovan (jdono78832@aol.com)


            Don't Be Moved By Circumstances

These are the days to stand on My promises, so hearken to My voice in 
these days.  Resist every scheme and every lie of the enemy in these 
days of trials and testings and storms. Yes, resist the enemy and draw 
nigh to Me.  In My presence there is liberty and freedom in My spirit. 
Allow My spirit to flow through you and breathe life to many in these 
days of adversity and turmoil in every nation, throughout the world. 
Resist the spirit of division and disunity in My troops, but rally 
together in these days.

Don't be moved by circumstances or by what you see or hear in the flesh. 
Instead, press into Me and My word and spend time with Me. I have destined 
you to arise and walk victorious in Me. Sound the battle cry, sound the 
trumpet. Let it be known that I am bigger than every obstacle of the 
enemy. In Me, you are more than conquerors; you are a victorious vessel 
in Me. You are called of Me to soar like the eagles above every heavy 
weight, to fly in freedom and liberty in Me.  Declare My word in these 
days of much opposition and adversity. Fight the fight of faith, press 
into Me and walk in My boldness, My authority. So arise and fight.

I am the God that removes the obstacles in your way. I am the God that 
parts the seas. I am alive and live today in you, My chosen vessels. So 
arise and stand firm on My promises. Don't be moved by the circumstances 
of this world, because in Me there is newness and life. I have come to 
reign over this world with newness of life. So go speak to the mountains, 
set the captives free. This is the time to raise up a standard and stand 
firm in Me and walk in the destiny I called you to. And this is a year 
of breakthrough, a time of newness of life as you flow in Me.