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Date: November 13, 2009

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wendy4c@primus.ca]


                   Purification And Holiness

Now are any of you under oppression or warfare? The key is to stay in 
the Lord's presence and pray always in the Spirit with thanksgiving. If 
you err in your judgment to the side of your soul, the enemy will move 
quickly to condemn you so he can draw you into a continuing vortex of 
defeat. He seeks to make you feel over come in your efforts and to cast
guilt upon you. If you know that your response in any given trial is 
less than what the Lord would desire for you, then draw nigh onto the 
Lord in repentance and acknowledge His sovereignty in it. Allow the 
Lord to bring you into all understanding in His Spirit of love and 
forgiveness. Know that defeat in any trial only comes as a result of 
being tapped into your emotions in the midst of it, instead of seeing 
who you are in the Lord. The enemy seeks overtime in causing you to 
stumble, but know that the Lord always exhorts you and holds you in 
the palm of His hand. 

Choose to keep a heart free of offense and surrender onto the Lord in 
all trials. We can not control the actions or words of other people, but 
we can choose to show God's love right in the midst of the adversity. 
Stand on the Rock of Christ, remain in His word and receive all His 
promises. Seek His presence in all circumstances, favorable or not. 

Know that trials will come in this season and they will not always 
present themselves as testing from the enemy. God will send His testing 
also. He allows this season of purification in order to bring about 
His holiness. These things must come for exhortation and so that you are 
able to serve Him in His higher purpose. As His plan comes into form, 
the body of Christ will undergo the process of holiness by the fire of 
purification. In that, understand that God only permits what is necessary 
to accomplish His holiness in you, and will not allow more than you can 
bear. God only permits what is necessary for this purging. Know that He 
will never forsake you in any trial, but that His plan is to use you in 
much greater things for His good purpose.

The key in this season is to listen for the Lord's voice and keep only 
onto Him. Know that in due time, the process will be complete and this 
season will become one of perfection in you as He burns off the dross 
and reveals the purity of your heart in Him. 

Stand firm. For His love cuts through bone and marrow...and these arrows 
of love are the very sharpest ones that He keeps polished in His 