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Date: Nov 11, 2008

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wengra@sympatico.ca]


                     The Banquet Feast

Dear one, hold out your hand so that I may place something in it. Yes,
I will place the object of My desire into your hand. You will bring 
into the storehouse what I assign you. I have spoken it in My word. 
Now I give it into your hand. Yes, I give you a fish.

As you will cast your line on the right side of the boat, you shall 
fill your nets. I have appointed you for such a task. I have been 
watching you and those who are in need to know Me. I have decided 
that now is the right season for you to cast your nets. The task is 
not difficult. I will give it into your hand as I said. You shall 
decree My word to bring into the storehouse a good catch. You shall 
not be overwhelmed by the waves.

Focus on Me and out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. I 
decree that what you put your hand to shall prosper. You saw the great 
works that I did. So you will also do the same. You will do it because 
of your strong faith in Me.

Yes, dear one, you will bring in souls to My kingdom and you shall be 
the harvester. I know you can complete the task. I have given you a 
heart of flesh and not one of stone. I have taught you with My 
character, humility and grace. I have given you My Spirit and My 
word. I have brought you into the unity of love that I share with 
the Father. This is all you will require in order to complete the 
task. I only ask that you give away to others what I gave to you. 
That is all. 

Dear one. Invite the lost souls to be partakers in My feast. Bring in 
the hungry where I may feed them. Bring them to My banqueting table 
where I have already prepared the feast.